Black Bean Cakes
I had some leftover black beans in the fridge and thought it might be fun to change things up for Z and make something a little different than just giving her beans. These little cakes were quick to make and Z loved them. I kept a couple out to use for Z's lunch over two days and froze the rest with a piece of wax paper in between. Depending on how big you make the cakes, this recipe will make 5-6.
Using an immersion blender, food processor or regular blender combine the following:
- 1 egg
- 1 cup black beans
- 2 TBSP salsa
- 1/4 cup quinoa
Once the ingredients are blended together, stir in 1/4 cup bread crumbs. Place mixture in patties on a frying pan and cook until both sides are golden brown. Enjoy!
Raw batter about to be cooked.